Deliver Broadband with Confidence
Advisory Services
Assessments providing guidance on new markets, partners, technologies, & tools.
Consulting Services
Recommend new strategies for customer, revenue, technological, operational,
and network models.
- t3leVerse™: An end-to-end portfolio of services for helping identify, design, economically plan, and manage your broadband network
- t3lePosition™: Geolocation analytics for customer location identification
- t3lePath™: Wireless planning and engineering to optimize the customer experience
- t3leNomics™: Economic and feasibility analysis for network planning and engineering
- t3leTrack™: Manage government- and self-funded broadband program deployments
- Each module may be used optimally together or individually
- Provides information customized to your business requirements
- Provides information supporting compliance with government broadband programs, engineering designs, customers served and just as importantly not served, investment requirements, and compliance management

Geolocate with Confidence
Technology Services
Roadmaps to deploy leading technologies and solutions from ecosystem partners.
Network Services
Plans to design, engineer, construct, install, integrate, and optimize the next generation networks.
- Higher Confidence Accuracy
- Fewer False Positives
- Telecom-Focused
- Analysis-driven, not just Datasets
- Your Data, Any Data
- For Your Network and Your Obligations

Design with Confidence
Deployment & Integration Services
Deploy resources to construct, install, integrate, and optimize networks.
Maintenance & Repair Services
Ensure on-going quality in operating and maintaining the customer, business, operations, and networks.
- Design towards obligated speed tiers
- Understand the exact broadband services and user experience each customer can be sold
- Know who can be served and who cannot be served BEFORE you build
- Improve customer acquisition targeting and accuracy
- Mitigate installation and service call issues

Invest with Confidence
Managed Services
Adapt the operations, IT, and networks to changing market and customer needs.
Customer Lifecycle Management
Analyze customer and network patterns to attract & retain customers, reduce churn, and increase profitability.
- Identify CapEx costs for your site and network construction
- Works on a per-site up to a full network
- Provides insights and decision points into which sites to build, delay, or not build, optimizing CapEx investments
- Understand your costs to serve and costs to evolve to serve additional edge-out opportunities

Manage with Confidence
Managed Services
Adapt the operations, IT, and networks to changing market and customer needs.
Customer Lifecycle Management
Analyze customer and network patterns to attract & retain customers, reduce churn, and increase profitability.
- View your broadband program compliance requirements in full across all serving areas and all programs, even those programs with different requirements
- Understand your construction schedule and covered locations requirements
- Provide visibility to every covered location and status (to-be-built, built, active service)
- Link with the other t3leVerse solutions to provide an integrated location, engineering, and economic view of your entire